Too Busy to Workout?

3 Keys to Find More Time in Your Day!

During my nine years in the fitness industry, I always knew I was guaranteed to hear at least one phrase on a daily basis…

“I’m too busy to workout.” - or -“I don’t have enough time.”

These were two of the biggest reasons members went into the facility to cancel their memberships and as much as we as the helping staff could ask questions to see how we can continue to serve them, it was usually a dead end at that point.

I remember many situations standing there in front of a member who has just given me this reason to cancel, and my brain going into overdrive with thoughts…

‘So you’re telling me you work 24hrs a day?’

‘Not even 15 or 20 minutes to spare?’

‘I’d love to see what a day in the life looks like for you.’

…but I digress. (and no, I never said any of these things to any members.)

Ultimately, I’d listen, empathize, keep a smile on my face, and assist the member with their cancellation. Seeing them walk out the door really stirred something inside of me each time.

Not for the fact that a member was lost to the bottom line, but that the world continues to use the “too busy” or “no time” as the upfront excuse to putting their health on the backburner. Is that you?

We’ve all been there. Heck, even I’ve been there! It wasn’t until I stopped to really reflect and tell myself to stop making excuses for everything and negating the real reason is that I was just lazy and didn’t prioritize my health.

Harsh reality, I know, but nine times out of ten, this is the truth. Even for you! Let’s change that… YOU must change that…

So, here are my 3 Keys to Find More Time in Your Day and help you stop making excuses or “waiting for the right time.”

#1 Change your mindset!

Yup, we’re starting here.

You can have every piece of information known to mankind on how to establish a better life schedule, better habits, routines, etc… BUT if you don’t have the right mindset, commitment, and conviction to change, then there is no point. You will always go back to the same excuses that you’ve been making that make you feel the most comfortable.

Reflect on where you are in life. Is this who you thought you would be? Is this the position you imagined yourself when you were younger? Are you on the right track?

If you answered NO, then GOOD, because YOU are the solution to that problem.

Change your mindset, set goals for yourself, and let’s take that step forward toward a new trajectory in life.


#2 Timebox Your Day!

Write it down, organize, agenda, prioritize your health and wellness each day!

There are many different ways to identify where we are getting at here. If you fail to proactively run your day, you will be reactively letting it run YOU.

Many times, the reason people say they are “too busy” or have “no time” is because of the fact that they are starting each day like a zombie - going through the motions of the same routine, same drive to work, same work duties, same clock out, drive home, flop on the couch, make dinner, TV, and bed. Ultimately, it boils down to the fact that their time is “taken up” by other things in the day.

Don’t get me wrong, we all have a daily schedule and routine we follow, but who makes it? WE DO!

I personally fell into this trap many years ago when I noticed that I gained 30lbs over my normal weight, 25% body fat, and just overall felt very sluggish and unhealthy. When I took a step back to see what exactly happened, I noticed a few things:

  • I wasn’t eating healthier options as I’d done before

  • I was skipping workouts and when I did go to the gym, my mind wasn’t in it

  • I prioritized my job as the most important part of my day

Re-read that last one… I prioritized my job as the most important part of my day.

This happens more often than not and we need to reevaluate that!

How to fix the problem…

  • Intentionally schedule in your workout or activity. Whether this is in the morning before work, midday, or after work, you make adjustments to other parts of your schedule, to ensure that your workout fits and remains a priority, otherwise you will fall into the old cycle and put it off.

  • This requires CHANGE (which people hate) so be mindset ready! If you have to adjust your sleep schedule to wake up earlier - DO IT! If you can’t squeeze it in the morning, but have the opportunity to in the evening - DO IT! If you are serious about the change, you will find a way to make it happen.


#3 Cut the Bad Habits!

We weren’t born yesterday…

“Too busy” or “don’t have time” equates to I’d much rather sit and watch TV, scroll social media, or gossip with friends than take care of my health and overall well being.

It’s true! Don’t get defensive over it…

We all face these challenges. “I’m in pain”, “I’m unhealthy”, “I hate being overweight”, etc… BUT we are not changing the poor habits that put us here and are contributing in the first place. THAT is a CHOICE.

Here is a list of some poor habits that people engage in these days…

  • Too much TV - especially before bed and first thing in the morning

  • Too much phone and computer use - especially before bed and first thing in the morning

  • Late night snacking of unhealthy foods

  • Lack of exercise

  • Poor posture leading to muscle pain and imbalance

  • Smoking

  • Drinking alcohol

  • Gossiping about others

Which poor habits do you engage in that take you away from your health and wellness goals?

Are you in front of your TV for hours, without adding exercise to your day?

Are you eating processed foods and snacks because you are too lazy to cook a nutritious meal?

Do you choose to sit and talk about others or have non-productive conversations rather than take time for mindfulness, exercise, or other positive wellness habits?


In conclusion…

The final word is that WE ALL HAVE TIME.

Yes, some are not going to like hearing that. I get it… But it’s the truth. We have to change our MINDSET and change the lens we are viewing our circumstance from.

If we continue to say “I am too busy” or “ I don’t have any time”, then that will continue to be the victim narrative we live by. Change must happen. Our schedules must change to fit our health and wellness. We must make the move and the choice to take action. THAT is the answer.

Here is a final thought to tie this all up -

Imagine the person you love is in danger and they only have months to live. You are offered a choice that will change the outcome of that and help free them from that danger, but it will require you to give up a few of your poor habits. Would you do it?

I’m sure the majority would say yes. The moral of the story is the fact that when presented with a reward we highly value, in this case our loved one, we will always pivot and adjust to find a way to make the changes we need. So why can’t we have that same mindset with our own health and wellness when it’s just as critical? Do we have to be placed in danger or a health scare before we decide that we are not in fact too busy?

Hope you enjoyed this insight and content! Later guys!


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